Joel had his 9 month well visit this morning. He's doing great and still off the chart for weight and almost off for height. Here's his current stats (and Jenna & Gabriel's @ 9 months...I love to see how they all differ):
Weight: 27 lbs. (Jenna: 21lbs. 15oz. / Gabriel: 24 lbs. 3 oz.)
Height: 30 1/2 in. (Jenna: 29 in. / Gabriel: 30 1/2 in.)
Head Cir.: 18 1/4 in. (Jenna: 17 3/4 in. / Gabriel: 19 in.)
He got 2 shots and a finger prick but never made a fuss...his thighs are soooo big that I'm not even sure he felt the needles. He LOVED having the bandaid on his finger...kept him very, very occupied! He's resting right now from his busy morning.
Oh, and we found out today that we'll be doing flu shots in October. Most likely 3 to 4 for each kid...regular flu (plus booster for Joel) and swine flu plus booster. Those should be fun Dr.'s appointments!!!
Well, we have a busy weekend and upcoming week...wrap up the kids bedroom projects (ambitious), sew 11 nap mat covers (very ambitious), finish setting up my classroom at preschool, first day back at PRE (parish religious education) on Sunday after a long summer break, and the start of our new school year on Tuesday.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!! If you live in TN, enjoy this beautiful weather!!!